Monday, October 28, 2013

Staying One Holiday Ahead

    I break into an excited little sweat everytime I see a clearance sign.  I hate paying full retail price on anything, and rarely do. I am in love with a few discount websites but all and all the local stores seem to have the best after holiday deals(especially grocery and drug stores).  After every holiday I scour the local stores for discounts on their unsold holiday items. I visit each place once a week for two to three weeks after the holiday(all of the stores I have to drive by to get to and from work). Being a family of four on one income we seem to save a bit of money this way. Halloween is coming up soon and some of my favorite products that get marked down after the holiday are, themed everyday products like tissues and hand soap. My family doesn't care if they have to blow their nose on Halloween tissues in march and I only had to pay $0.49 per box instead of the $2-$3 normal price. Another good one is the candy. We are not big candy eaters but when Halloween is over I'll pick up a couple bags for under $1.00 each and stash them until Christmas for stockings.  After Christmas I pick up the hot toys for just a fraction of the price and stash them for Easter baskets, birthdays, and school friends birthday parties. Before paying full price for your thanksgiving items this year,  make a list of what your going to need for and go shop the after Halloween sales. You'll be surprised what you find.